Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Winter Steelhead on the Swing

This mild weather allowed me to test my new Spey set up during the last few weeks on the Credit River.  I am using a Versa Spey GLoomis 13’, 7/8 weight, in balance with a CLA Ross Reel #6, loaded with an Airflo Compact Scandi head 510g and a 10ft, fast sinking Airflo Poly Leader (which I eventually switch for a 10ft, floating Airflo Poly Leader). All that I can say is that the hours that I am spending on the river has been much more enjoyable with my two handed rod than with my old single hand rod, especially in windy conditions or situations that require longer casts.  There are no words to describe how this set up increased my ability to control the swing, the drift, the mending, the casting, the landing and, above all, the number of actions! The wet fly swing is actually catching more fish than dead drift techniques during this mild winter. The fish is even refusing dead drifted roe that pinners are insisting to use! It is like something must be attractive, alive, and big enough, to force this fish to react, to entice then to move. And usually the fish that is taking a fly like that is the dominant fish in the pool, and fight like hell…